May 27, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Lindsay!

Five years ago:

Two days before Lindsay's birth

May 27, 2008

Connie Hasley, my doula

With big sis

Starting those smiles early!

Lindsay, it's hard to believe you are five already!  You are a beautiful little girl, full of fun, zip, and excitement.  Giggles announce your arrival, and smiles your departure. 

I love your excitement about the small things. 
Things like bugs and tree blossoms and pajamas.
I love your compassionate heart that wants to heal hurts and bring smiles to our faces.
I love your sharing nature that willingly gives to all and makes sure to divide
 your last stick of gum into three pieces.
I love your voice that almost never stops talking.
I love your spontaneous nature that wants to drop everything and have a tea party.
I love your creative energy that pirouettes around the room in a pink tutu.
I love your sense of humor that tries to scare me from behind the bed.  Every day.
I love your imagination that 'I spies" white clouds in a clear blue sky.

But most of all, I love YOU.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!


  1. And we love you too, Lindsay! -Aunt Mel, Uncle Al, Brandon, Corrine & Claire

  2. So precious! Happy Birthday Lindsay :)
