Yes, it appears I have been missing in action around here! Not on purpose, I assure you.
You know, sometimes I talk about the unexpected twists and turns that come our way in life. It just so happens that we had a full hairpin turn last month! Several of you have asked off and on what I do for work or if I am looking for a job. God has graciously provided for me to be able to stay home and raise my girls over the past six years. For that I am truly grateful and undeserving.
Last September I started volunteering at a local non-profit thrift store and had the opportunity to work with some wonderful Christian women. It was just what I needed at that time, but a couple of months ago I felt that God was leading me in a new direction, one that would lead to employment. As I began searching the help wanted ads for a job nothing waved a flag to say "pick me!". Either the times were wrong and I wouldn't be able to get my kids from school, or the hours were too long, or the commute was too far. I even went for one job interview but left afterward knowing the job wasn't what God had planned for me. It's a wonderful feeling to know peace even when the pieces aren't fitting together just how I think they should fit! I decided to wait. Not for something to fall in my lap, but to be still for a bit and see what the Lord had in store.
Come the end of March, I was reading a post on a blog I have been following for a couple of years and the author started talking about a product and company called Plexus. After researching everything I could find about the company and products, and spending some time praying about the opportunity, I felt that this was the place God wanted me to be right now.
Can you say Unexpected and Not What I Would Have Ever Dreamed I'd Be Doing?!
What a blessing Plexus has been in our lives so far! Not only have I had the opportunity to meet new people, reconnect with old friends, and create stronger relationships with acquaintances, I am experiencing amazing positive changes in my health as well. The best part about it is that I have the privilege of helping people find answers and relief from health issues. On top of all that, Plexus is providing for our family financially as well.
Have I always trusted God 100% to provide what we needed when we needed it? Not always. I am humbled by His graciousness in understanding my frame when I have been anxious or wanting to rush ahead and see the future plans He has in store, and I am grateful for the times when I have been able to return the worries about employment to His hands and consciously make a choice to leave them there. He has certainly never failed me! As I sit here I can feel a bit teary about how generously He has provided for me and my girls. And I love the way that provision is usually a bit different that I would have reasoned it out to be. Just one more way He shows His love!
So that's what has been taking up my time and brain space lately. If you want to read more about my new adventure, you can click here or on the tab above that says My Plexus Story. Happy reading!
you can tell I don't check all these blogs very often....I am so thankful you found something that works and that you love. Love you guys!