Jul 2, 2014

Life in Reverse

Hard to believe that almost three weeks of our summer vacation have sped by already! On Sunday night of this week I declared a "Stay At Home No Matter What Monday" (barring unforeseen circumstances, of course), and we did it!

It was lovely to hop in the car on Tuesday morning and realize the tires were in the same spot we left them on Sunday night.

It was not, however, lovely to realize that Lindsay's bike was in a different spot and therefore her bike seat now resembles a taco minus the lettuce and cheese.

You know, I was never going to be "that mom" who runs over her kids bikes and toys in the driveway. I mean, it can't be that difficult to check the rear view mirror or even peek behind the car before pulling out, right?

True confession time.

I have now graduated to that esteemed category. One bike seat and one scooter wheel in one week. Must be a record.

Remember library catalogs? (Yes, I am showing my age by that question!) I find it interesting to feel categorized. It is as if you could now pull out the drawer titled, "ME-MU" and find my name nestled under the heading of

"Moms Who Run Over Bikes In Driveway"
Jill Whaley 630.14 

Well, I guess we all have to be remembered for something!

Hope you all are enjoying the little moments this summer!