May 27, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday Lindsay!

Five years ago:

Two days before Lindsay's birth

May 27, 2008

Connie Hasley, my doula

With big sis

Starting those smiles early!

Lindsay, it's hard to believe you are five already!  You are a beautiful little girl, full of fun, zip, and excitement.  Giggles announce your arrival, and smiles your departure. 

I love your excitement about the small things. 
Things like bugs and tree blossoms and pajamas.
I love your compassionate heart that wants to heal hurts and bring smiles to our faces.
I love your sharing nature that willingly gives to all and makes sure to divide
 your last stick of gum into three pieces.
I love your voice that almost never stops talking.
I love your spontaneous nature that wants to drop everything and have a tea party.
I love your creative energy that pirouettes around the room in a pink tutu.
I love your sense of humor that tries to scare me from behind the bed.  Every day.
I love your imagination that 'I spies" white clouds in a clear blue sky.

But most of all, I love YOU.

Happy Birthday Sweetie!

May 20, 2013

The Countdown

You know that feeling when you are playing Boggle and the sand is running out in the hour glass?  You are sure there has to be at least one more word you could quickly jot down that would knock the socks off your competition.  In the anxiousness of the moment you miss the simple word "CAT" staring you in the face, the one no one else saw either. It would have been the winning point.

I'm staring down that timer right now.  Only it's not Boggle we're playing here, it's the beginning of kindergarten for my youngest.

Only a short time ago (it seems), Kimberly was setting foot out into the great big world of school.  I shed two tears as I pulled away from the curb in front of the school.  She was too busy playing with her newly made friends to wave.  Apparently she didn't need me anymore.

Life did settle down into a nice routine, and it was amazing how quickly Kimberly needed me again... right when she got home and was hungry for lunch!  While the transition took some getting used to, it was time for the change.  Kimberly was ready to move on in life.

For some reason, thinking of Lindsay setting out on her own is completely different for me.  

Maybe because she is the youngest.
Likely because I fear the adjustment, the unknown of a quiet house every day.
Definitely because I know she will change, grow up, be more inhibited, and less innocent.  

She might even realize that she is not everyone's best friend...

Already I'm envisioning the notes home stating, "Talks too much in class",  and dramatic renditions of real (or imagined) joys experienced and hurts suffered.

Friends are reassuring me that all will be well.  Thank you for your encouragement!  When I think about the future it is easy to fear and find tears threatening to spill.  But when I bring my thoughts back to the here and now, I know my Lord has given me strength for today.  I don't have that strength for tomorrow yet.  Or the strength for August 21st. But when I get there it will be waiting.  His mercies are new every morning.

So as these last few grains of time before school slip through our fingers, my aim is to be grounded in the present.  Every dish left unwashed due to a game of Trouble or Sorry, every moment of sleep lost to an early morning snuggle, every sore muscle from teaching balance on a two wheeled bike will be but a memory to smile over in the days to come. They may be obvious, and they may be small, but they are the experiences God has honored me with.  These will be my "winning" moments.  

May 9, 2013

Six Little Ladies for Tea

Should we choose the teal dress or the red velvet?

Pearls or beads?

Silver shoes or none at all?

Then the waiting... who will come first?

So many questions when you are almost five.

The guests have arrived!

Clockwise from top left: Claire McWilliams, Lindsay Whaley, Corrine McWilliams, Alexia Anastasia,
Olivia Whaley, and Kendra Perry

Let's have tea.

And cupcakes, and cucumber sandwiches, and chocolate dipped marshmallows, and cookies, and deviled eggs, and olives, and strawberries.

Then we'll play for a while.

And while we're at it, let's celebrate Lindsay's birthday a couple weeks early.

She's quite the little lady!

May 6, 2013

Blessings and the Exodus

My cup is full and overflowing tonight.  It's one of those evenings when I sit down after the kids are in bed  and am thankful and thrilled by the undeserved blessings God has showered on me.  It's been a lovely day...

Coffee and laughter with sweet friends.

Feeding the ducks with all my Whaley nieces and nephews.

Snuggling a certain nephew with the cutest rolls you've ever seen!

An afternoon siesta.
Playing with my girls on the living room floor.
Laughing and tickle fights.
Enjoying being home and being together.

After dinner Kimberly asked if we could continue reading in Exodus where we left off this morning.

"No, that's not right," Lindsay piped up. "We're reading in Letticus!"

Teasingly, I told the girls we were just getting to the good part (the genealogy of Aaron and Moses.)  After about four verses of names, Lindsay suggested that this was a little boring because there were no pictures, and that maybe we should just play trains.  

"What's wrong," I asked her, chuckling. "You don't like hearing names like Phinehas?  Maybe I should have named you that.  Phinehas Michelle Whaley.  Or maybe you would have liked Lindsay Phinehas Whaley better.  What do you think?"

Looking thoughtful, she replied.  "Well, actually, I think I do want you to call me that.  Yes, but just you.  That can be your special name for me.  Phinehas.  Yes, that's just right."

Oh dear.  

I'm thinking I should have gone for Carmi or Mahali instead.